Earth Care Update: Opportunities to Engage

Hello Earth-Loving Friends,

A couple of ways you can get involved:

Tuesday 10/24, 1:45 p.m.: Dayenu is going to the Santa Cruz City Council meeting to support the City in making an official statement urging CalPERS (the State retirement fund) to divest from fossil fuels. 

Your presence would make a difference and I can give you talking points. Please let me know if you'd like to join us! (Our Dayenu group requested the City Council to do this in April, and now they are, so this feels like a big win!)

Saturday 10/28, 8:30 a.m.:  A meeting with the youth who sued the State of Montana and won! See info below, from our sister Earth Care group in Redwood City. 

Please join the Insight Meditation Center's Earth Care Group on Zoom to welcome representatives from Our Children's Trust, an inspiring organization that works to protect the Earth's climate system for present and future generations by representing youth and young adults in their legal efforts to secure their right to a healthy atmosphere. 

Our Children’s Trust recently had an unprecedented success in its legal case against the state of Montana for its violation of young peoples' constitutional rights to a clean and healthful environment, as well as its promotion of fossil fuels and denial of climate change. Phil Gregory, an attorney on this case, and one or two of Our Children's Trust youth plaintiffs will offer a presentation and engage in a discussion with us about their important climate activism.

October 28, 2023. 8:30 am to 10:00 am Pacific Time. Free.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 892 3589 9306
Passcode: Earth

Take care,


SCZC Admin