Earth Care Sangha Update - Next Meeting Tues, Nov 14 12 noon

Dear Earth Care Sangha, 

I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, November 14th at 12 p.m.  Since everyone loved meeting down the block at the Mission Park, we will try to do that again if the weather is nice. I'll send an update the day before. 

Below are some notes from our last meeting. I invite you to take a look at the links and be thinking about how we might engage in our Earth Care practice moving forward. 

I'm heading out for a nature-based spirituality training tomorrow, and will be back on 11/13. 

With a warm bow,


Notes from October Meeting: Ideas and Possibilities

  1. Public Actions as Practice. Zazen, walking meditation, rituals and chanting in a public place with one or two people designated to talk with people, explain what we are doing, and invite them to join.  

    1. We would have signs and handouts available

    2. Resources: 

      1. Who We Are — Awakening For Earth

      2. How to organize a public sit

    3. Possible Places for our Action:

      1. On Pacific Avenue (we could get a permit)

      2. Near a voter registration table

      3. Join another environmental event or activity where people may be interested

  1. Listening Stations. Create listening stations where people can come and talk about climate and environmental issues. We are there to serve as neutral listeners and to use our practice to stay grounded and open. 

    1. One of the most powerful actions we can take is to support people to talk about climate change. 

      1. 3 minute video: Katherine Hayhoe, from her book Saving Us.

      2. Event at MAH could be a model: Let’s Talk About It 

  1. Participating with Local Environmental Groups

    1.  Coastal Watershed Council,  River Health Day

      1. We could join in their efforts

      2. We could offer eco-grief or Earth-honoring rituals as part of their program

  2. Offering Eco-grief and Eco-Awe Rituals

    1. Rituals that honor and support people in processing their eco-grief, and also help them to connect with the wonder of the natural world. 

    2. Could be in coordination with other events, such as Earth Day or other environmental actions. 

  3. Traditional Climate Actions

    1. We will look for opportunities to join actions that are being led by other environmental groups

    2. We will consider doing actions that include peaceful messaging and reflect our Buddhist practice

SCZC Admin